Exhibitor space info

Table of Contents:
  1. General Information for Pagan Fest
  2. Sales Locations (Detailed description below):

       a. Table Space
       b. 4 m² Sales Space
       c. 9 m² Sales Space
       d. Bazaar Spaces
       e. Reading, healer, clairvoyants Space
       f. Other Spaces

  1. Application Form
  2. Participation Conditions
  1. General Information for Pagan Fest

Organizer: Sysikeskus Oy

Venue: Dipoli, Aalto University Main Building, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo

Time: 12th-13th October 2024

Event Opening Hours:

Sat 12th October 2024, 11:00 – 19:00 / 23:30 (exact schedule to be specified later)

Sun 13th October 2024, 11:00 – 17:00


Fri 11th October 2024, 17:00-22:00

Sat 12th October 2024, 09:00 – 11:00


Sun 13th October 2024, 17:00 – 20:00

Applying to be a Exhibitor:

Fill out the application form to exhibit. Read the participation conditions carefully!

Answer all the questions on the application form accurately. You will receive an email confirmation when the form is received. If you don’t receive confirmation immediately after submitting the form, please check if your email address was entered correctly.

As mentioned in the participation conditions section 2, every exhibitor will be evaluated. We will contact each applicant via email after the evaluation process.

2. Sales Spaces:

Pictures of exhibitor spaces can be found in the Pakanalliset myyjät Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pakanallisetmyyjat

You can reserve multiple adjacent tables or spaces. Specify your space requirements in the additional information section when making a reservation. If you want to share the sales space with another exhibitor, please indicate that in the additional information section.

Pricing for Sales Spaces includes 24% VAT and covers:


Exhibitors can use Dipoli’s power outlets. Please bring your own extension cord.


Free coffee for exhibitors in the coffee room on the second floor, connected to Reima Hall.

Once you are accepted as a Exhibitor, you will receive an email with detailed instructions and a link for paying the reservation fee. The final invoice will be sent in August.

Sales Spaces
  • Table space price 210€
  • Spaces no. 2-6, 36-51, 72-75, 78-91
  • 36-51, 78-91 divider behind these spaces
  • No possibility for racks or stands
  • Items can be stored on and under the table, but not outside the table.
  • Table size 80×140, except in Metso where 2 tables of 80×80 are placed side by side
  • Two chairs
  • Includes 2 Exhibitor passes
  • 4 m² space price 260€
  • Spaces no. 16-35, 70-75, 92-100, 122
  • You can bring own structures such as racks or stands, etc.
  • Space is 2×2 meters, must not exceed this size
  • Sief Hall has a divider behind the spaces
  • Table size 80×140
  • Three chairs 
  • includes 3 Exhibitor passes


  • 9 m² space price 500€
  • Spaces no. 7-15
  • You can bring your own structures such as racks or stands, etc.
  • Space is 3×3 meters, and must not exceed this size from the front or sides, but the space behind can be utilized if desired
  • 2 tables of 80×140 each
  • Four chairs
  • Includes 4 Exhibitor passes


  • Bazaar space price 100€
  • Spaces no. 52-69, 107-117
  • No possibility of racks or stands
  • Items can be stored on and under the table, but not outside the table.
  • The table in Reima’s lobby 65×70, on stairs on a platform 40×120
  • Chair
  • Includes 1 Exhibitor pass
  • Note: The platform is the only floor in Dipoli not Exhibitorsible by wheelchair.
  • Reading, Healing, Clairvoyants Space
  • Spaces no. 76, 77, 118, 119
  • Includes two large armchairs and a small table
  • Price 100€
  • Includes a Exhibitor pass
  • No product sales are allowed in these spaces
  • You can choose a reading space freely from other available spaces
  • Other Spaces

Fireplace room for tattoo artists 300€ per tattoo artist

The fireplace room is located on the 1st floor of Dipoli. In the workshop corridor, there are a total of 6 spaces. These spaces can be reserved by tattoo artists, piercers, dreadlocks artists, and similar operators.

  • Includes 2 Exhibitor passes and furniture as needed


First-floor larger square space approx. 20 square meters 1000€

The space is located between Käpy (pinecone)-door and the festival office, surrounded by large stones. The space is about 20 square meters. This space can be used to create a different and impressive sales space.

  • Includes 4 Exhibitor passes and furniture as needed


First-floor smaller square space approx. 10 square meters 500€

The space is located in the lower lobby and is surrounded by large stones. The space is about 10 square meters. This space can be used to create a different and impressive sales space.

  • Includes 4 Exhibitor passes and furniture as needed


First-floor small reading/ healing/ clairvoyants room 200€

The room is located in the lower lobby and is a soundproofed small room with a wall. 

  • Includes 2 Exhibitor passes and furniture as needed


3. Application Form

Opens on 5. March 2024, at 5 PM on Tiketti’s website. A direct link to the application form can be found here https://www.pakanafestarit.fi/myyjille/ (Make sure to receive a confirmation email after submitting the form)